College is more than classes and homework.

It’s about finding community and developing deep, lifelong friendships. It’s about gaining a better perspective through new experiences. It’s about discovering your purpose and doing things that matter. At Christian Campus House, we want to CONNECT with Christian community, GROW deeper with Jesus, and SERVE locally and around the world. We’re a community of students pursuing Jesus, and we invite you to join us during your college years.

with Christian community

You belong at CCH.

deeper with Jesus

Discover what you believe.

locally and around the world

Do things that matter.

8:01 Worship
& Bible Study

Every Tuesday Night at 8 in 
Plaster Student Union

Student Testimonies:

Finding my community at CCH was one of the greatest things I did this year. The people at CCH are very welcoming and enjoy bringing new members into the group, no matter who you are. CCH has given me a godly community to grow in with other fellow believers.

- Josie Skutt

Leading a connect group has been such a blessing to me! It was so encouraging to hear from those in the group about how they were able to grow closer to the Lord through focusing on and learning about spiritual disciplines.

- Grace Easterday

“On the North Africa trip, God taught me that ministry doesn’t always look like going out on the streets and proclaiming the gospel, but sometimes the most effective evangelism is in how you live your life and  being faithful with the opportunities He gives you.

- Hanes Koshy
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