Resources For Students

Being Christian in College

Books to Read

King of the Campus by Stephen Lutz. 

The House Studio, 2013—Easily readable, enjoyable introduction to college life with very specific advice on how to do college spiritually well.

Campus Voices:  A Student to Student Guide to College Life written by college students; compiled by Paul Buchanan and Paula Miller. 

Ventura, CA:  Regal, 2009—Dozens of short essays by students on how to do college well, with a focus on the spiritual.

Brown Like Coffee:  For Students Who Think Outside the Box by Steve Shadrack. 

The Bodybuilders Press, 2007—Down-to-earth guide to campus life and how to stay on track spiritually.

Student to Student:  A Guide to College Life written by college students; compiled by Paul Buchanan and Paula Miller. 

Ventura, CA:  Regal, 2007—Living faithfully amidst the challenges of “college world”.

University of Destruction:  Your Game Plan for Spiritual Victory on Campus by David Wheaton. 

Minneapolis:  Bethany House, 2005—Very socially and politically conservative, but realistic in its portrayal of the dangers facing any incoming student with some practical advice for not getting “sucked into” the usual campus culture.

How to Stay Christian in College:  An Interactive Guide to Keeping the Faith by J. Budziszewski. 

Colorado Springs:  Navpress, 1999—Still a remarkably multi-faceted tool to assist students in remain ning faithful during their college years which even offers additional readings on topics which interest students.

Understanding and Responding to Campus Culture

Finding God at Harvard:  Spiritual Journeys of Thinking Christians by Kelly Monroe Kullberg. 

Downers Grove, IL:  IVP, (revised) 2007—Ms. Kullberg’s diligent search for living, practiced face at Harvard back in the 90’s turned up far more serious Jesus-following than one might expect.  Thoughtful, exemplary accounts.  

Professors who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty by Paul M. Anderson. 

Downers Grove, IL:  IVP, 1998—Though statistically University professors are the profession in America who have the lowest levels of belief and practice, many professors do believe, and their stories can be educational and influential for current students.

The Abandoned Generation:  Rethinking Higher Education by William H. Willimon and Thomas H. Naylor. 

Grand Rapids, MI:  Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1995.  Brilliant insight as to how American higher education became so concerned about teaching the “right things” that student welfare got lost in the process.

The Secularization of the Academy by George Marsden and Bradley Longfield.

  London and New York:  Oxford University Press, 1992.  Thorough, but readable overview of the transformation of higher education in America from spiritual endeavor to secular tool.

Killing the Spirit:  Higher Education in America by Page Smith. 

Penguin Books, 1990.  An insider’s critique of the “secular fundamentalism” inherent on modern university campuses.

A Christian Critique of the University by Charles Malik. 

Downers Grove, IL:  IVP, 1982.  A mind-expanding rethinking of the role that higher education plays in western culture and the Biblical imperative for the church to be actively involved.  Though this book is listed last on the basis of its publish date, it may be the most important book on this list.

Outreach on the College Campus

College Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture by Stephen Lutz. 

The House Studio, 2011—Very helpful insights into how higher education and student culture has changed in ways that make innovation in ministry to students more vital than ever.

Godspace:  Where Spiritual Conversations Happen Naturally by Doug Pollock. 

Loveland, CO:  Group Publishing, 2009—Innovative introduction to conversational/story-telling approaches to sharing one’s faith.

Revolution: Effective and Personal Evangelism by Jay Strack. 

Nashville:  Nelson Impact, 2006—Innovative study guide/workbook for working through both the “why”s and “how”s regarding students sharing their faith on campus.

Reimagining Evangelism:  Inviting Friends on a Spiritual Journey by Rick Richardson. 

Downers Grove, IL:  IVP, 2006—Not even the slightest hint of “evangelism program” but rather a relationship-based approach to authentically sharing one’s faith.

a.k.a.”Lost”:  Discovering Ways to Connect with the People Jesus Misses Most by Jim Henderson. 

Colorado Springs:  Waterbrook Press, 2005—Enabling believers to transition from seeing evangelism as “weird and scary” to “a normal part of daily Christian life” is the intention and impact of this book.

Evangelism Outside the Box:  New Ways to Help People Experience the Good News by Rick Richardson. 

Downers Grove, IL:  IVP, 2000—Why do we tend to have a few dozen leaders “running” our own ministries and maybe have 2 or 3 outreach leaders to take on our campuses of thousands?  That’s one of the boxes we need to escape.  There are more and this book helps us understand what they are and how to proceed.

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